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Information about e-visa to Uzbekistan


       Visas in the conventional sense are entry permits for foreigners that are pasted or stamped by a domestic authority in the form of an adhesive or stamp in the passport. Depending on the country of travel, the visa process may be different. Some countries stamp the visas in the passports of arriving guests after checking the passport on arrival at the airport, other countries require a prior visit to the respective embassy or consulate.

In the case of an e-Visa, the entire process of applying for and issuing a visa takes place online (hence the term “e” visa for “electronic” visa). The applicant, the person wishing to enter the country such as Uzbekistan, visits the website of the authority and completes the visa application. A processing fee is then paid (usually by credit card). The authority checks the submitted forms to see how far this process is automated or manual, but it can be assumed that at least some of the applications will be processed and opened for entry by means of an automatic check according to     pre-defined criteria. At the same time, manual random checks of individual applications are certainly also carried out. Once the authority has made a decision, it will be sent to the applicant by e-mail. In some cases a confirmation is sent, which must be printed out and carried on the trip, but in most cases the visa is electronically linked to the unique passport number, so an electronic check of the passport is sufficient to determine whether a visa has been issued or not. Border guards scan the passport number or manually enter it into the electronic entry permit system, which immediately reports back whether a visa is available or not.

The introduction of e-Visa has a positive impact on the travel behaviour of tourists. In each case in which an electronic visa was introduced, there was a marked increase in annual visits. Prominent examples of countries that have successfully introduced an electronic visa include: Canada, USA, Australia, Vietnam and Brazil.


The eVisa for Uzbekistan (also referenced as Uzbekistan visa) was introduced on 15.07.2018 and has since been available on the authority’s website at https://e-visa.gov.uz/main



The eVisa is valid for 90 days and allows a single entry with a maximum stay of 30 days.
Travelers can quickly and easily apply for an online Uzbekistan visa. All you need to do is take the following steps:

Fill in the online application form
Upload of a passport picture and a photograph / a scan of the passport
Payment of the processing fee (credit card payment)
The application is then examined by the Uzbek authority and the applicant receives a reply within a few hours to days about the approval or rejection of the application.

What has to be considered?
Apply in time!

Although the process of applying for an Uzbekistan visa is quick and easy, it may take some time for the authority to process it. It is therefore essential that your application is submitted in good time before departure for Uzbekistan. We recommend that you submit and pay in full at least 72 hours before departure.

Please note the length of stay!

Even if Uzbekistan invites you to stay, with a valid eVisa you may stay in Uzbekistan for a maximum of 30 days at a time. If you exceed this maximum length of stay, you may be categorised as an illegal immigrant and may be punished.

Note the validity of the Uzbekistan eVisa!

An eVisa is valid for 90 days from the date of issue. You should therefore make sure that you do not submit your application too early. For example, if you plan to travel in January and plan to stay for two weeks, you cannot apply for a visa until mid-October at the earliest.

Nationals of the following countries can apply for an eVisa for Uzbekistan:

Australia Ireland Poland
Albania Italy Portugal
Andorra Kuwait Romania
Austria Latvia San Marino
Belgium China Saudi Arabia
Bulgaria Lithuania Serbia
Bosnia and Herzegovina Liechtenstein Slovakia
Cnada Luxembourg Slovenia
Croatia Macedonia Spain
Czech Republic Malta Sweden
Finland Monaco Switzerland
Germany Montenegro Thailand
Hungary Netherlands U. A. Emirates
Greece New Zealand United Kingdom
Iceland Norway USA
India Oman The Vatican


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Принимаем звонки с 9:00 до 20:00
Republic of Uzbekistan, 100017, Tashkent,
Yunusabad district, Abdulla Kadyri st. 38, 7
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