General information
Location: Central Asia, North of Afghanistan.
Coordinates: 41-00 North, longitude 64-00 East.
Area: 448 900 square km.
Population: more than 36 800 000 people (the data of Goskomstat for 2024.)
Population: Uzbeks 80%, Russians 5,5%, Tajiks 5%, Kazakhs 5%, Karakalpaks 2%, Tatars 1,5%, representatives of other nationalities 1%.
Administrative division: 12 regions, 1 Autonomous Republic (Karakalpakstan)
Capital of Uzbekistan: Tashkent 2 999 500 people (data of the state statistics Committee for 2023.)
Language: Uzbek language — the official language, Russian — language of international communication
Religions: Islam-88%, Christianity-9%, 3% — believers of other areas.
Time: by Roasting + 5 hours
Electric power: 220 V AC, 50 A; standard double plug socket
The international dialling code for Uzbekistan: +998
Currency: sum